[sigcomm] attendance policies for SIGCOMM-affiliated events

Scott Shenker shenker at icsi.berkeley.edu
Fri Nov 11 07:22:28 PST 2005

On Nov 11, 2005, at 4:33 AM, Roch Guerin wrote:

> I don't think that anyone is disagreeing with the potential  
> benefits associated with small, focused venues such as HotNets, and  
> in particular of the positive role that HotNets has played over the  
> past few years.  In that respect, I believe that the concerns that  
> Scott expressed in his last email are not the issue.

With all due respect, Roch, I think they are the issue.  My point,  
which you are free to ignore but not to dismiss, is that this mailing  
list has been full of criticism and back-seat driving, and completely  
devoid of gratitude.  In an environment like this, few people are  
going to step forward and take the initiative to do good things.   
Given the level of hand-wringing over a handful of at-large invitees,  
if I were on the hotnets steering committee I'd immediately take  
hotnets out of SIGCOMM and not look back....

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