[tg] New versions of TG now available.

Hugues VAN PETEGHEM hvp at info.fundp.ac.be
Wed Sep 14 00:38:09 PDT 2005

Dear Barbara,
Dear All,

You may now find the new versions of TG on my web page:
http://www.info.fundp.ac.be/~hvp/rech/doc/index_en.html :
- tg2.1 (done in April 2004) includes a new statistical distribution,
the Pareto one;
- tg2.2 (done in September 2005) supports the IPv6 addressing and fills
(using the "tos" argument in the input file) the "Traffic Class" (8
bits) of the IPv6 header.

Best regards :

Computer Science Institute - FUNDP
Web : http://www.info.fundp.ac.be/~hvp
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