[sigcomm] attendance policies for SIGCOMM-affiliated events

Greg Minshall minshall at acm.org
Tue Nov 8 06:53:43 PST 2005

hi, Nick,

since the goal of limited attendance is to get very interactive, rooms small 
enough not to need a microphone, etc., and since these things typically don't 
have any overhead in terms of personnel to field e-questions, i would probably 
take you up on your offer to rip your proposal apart;-).

it would be an interesting experiment at, say, SIGCOMM.  however, we used to 
try something like that years ago at the IETF, and the experience there was 
that people "listening" were not very (often) moved to engage in dialog, and 
(at least with the tools of the time) it was also a very clunky process.

cheers, Greg

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