[sigcomm] attendance policies for SIGCOMM-affiliated events

Christophe Diot christophe.diot at thomson.net
Sat Nov 5 11:30:20 PST 2005

> 4)  If SIGCOMM decides that pro-forma fairness, in the guise of  
> making every SIGCOMM-sponsored event open or making every closed  
> workshop use mechanical acceptance rules (e.g., FCFS, authors only,  
> etc.), is more important than promoting science, then it will have  
> lost sight of a larger purpose.

making fairness orthogonal to promotion of science is pretty adventurous. I 
advocate fairness to help promotion of science to all, and not to a small number 
of privileged people.

however, i agree with point 1, 2, and 3!

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