[e2e] Delivery Times .... was Re: Bandwidth, was: Re: Free Internet & IPv6

Detlef Bosau detlef.bosau at web.de
Wed Jan 2 03:18:08 PST 2013

Am 02.01.2013 03:43, schrieb Clark Gaylord:
> Don't be daft: there's no mystery about how you get 4 sec latencies. 
> Someone is holding it! 

Really! Why didn't I see this before.....

> That's the point -- drop the damn packet already! 

Absolutely. We should always discard slow packets. Latencies become so 
neat that way.

> If the service time for your queue is beyond some small-ish.number -- 
> measured in maybe tens of ms, you aren't doing anyone(*) any favors.

I strongly think, that your perspective is a bit oversimplified here....

> --ckg
> (*) except your router vendor, who already is chuckling all the way to 
> the bank for the over-engineered crap you force him to sell you

That's the other extreme of course. The truth will be - as often - in 

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