[tg] problems by using TG

Barbara Denny b_a_denny at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 26 13:34:04 PDT 2006


Unfortunately, I didn't write the gengraph script.
I will look at this later but it sounds like
it may be a side effect of your stream being
TCP.  What options did you give to gengraph?
Do the graphs look "bad"? (Or are you only concerned
about the error messages?) Please keep the output
from this experiment in case I can't duplicate

BTW, just because there were no errors reported 
during the execution of a TG script does not mean 
there was no bad behavior.  TG does not try to do
any realtime analysis of the flows.  It simply
records information upon receipt of a packet or
an error as reported by the kernel.  The user needs
to verify that the traffic was sent as desired.
(This is important as you push TG to the maximum 
sending rate.  It will only send as fast as the 
kernel will allow and it will not tell you that 
you didn't get a constant interarrival rate for


--- "yann.tristant" <yann.tristant at free.fr> wrote:

> Dear Sirs,
> After using the scripts joined to this mail, I
> didin't receive any error
> message during the execution of the TG's program.
> But when I'm using
> gengraph program, I have a long list of error
> messages like that one: n�
> sequence out of order.
> Please could you explain to me the reasons of this
> message and how I can
> deal with it. 
> Thank you in advance for your answer.
> Regards.
> script client
>  on 0:60 tcp 
> at 5 setup 
> at 30 arrival exponential 0.0001 length constant
> 1024 
> time 20
> script server
>  on 0:60 tcp server 
> at 1.1 wait 100 
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