[tg] UDP issue

Mike Brescia m.brescia at comcast.net
Thu Oct 28 12:13:47 PDT 2004

At 9:29 AM -0700 10/28/04, Barbara Denny wrote:
>For users who would like to send very large user
>datagrams, try modifying MAX_PKT_SIZE in config.h.
>The current maximum size is set to 8192.

That sets the size for receiving and buffering.  In my (FreeBSD) 
unix, there's a kernel limit on sending datagram size (perhaps also 
receive re-assembly?) set in parameter "net.inet.udp.maxdgram" (9216 
in mine).  Examine and set this with sysctl(8).

>you add the unsigned long, which tg uses to
>record a sequence number for udp, you get the
>results of the second run. All the bytes should
>be received by the end of the run.

Also, thanks to Barbara for explaining the off-by-4 discrepancy.

>--- Hugues Van Peteghem <hvp at info.fundp.ac.be> wrote:
>  > I got a light problem with the 'tg' generator. As I
>  > want to generate large UDP
>>  packets, the maximum a receiver can get is 8188
>  > bytes packets :

Good hunting,
  -- Mike

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