[tg] Time passed error / cron
Mike Brescia
Thu, 20 Nov 2003 11:36:46 -0500
--- Barbara Denny <b_a_denny@yahoo.com> sez:
>I believe the meaning of 30 seconds is on the next 30
>second boundary run this script, not 30 seconds
>from now run this script)
>--- "Rafter, Marcel" <MRafter@Vianetworks.com> wrote:
>> Hello all,
> > I am using cron to start multiple tg programs at the
> > hour of 07:00. All .tg files start with "on 0:30".
>> The problem is that a small percentage of the tg
>> progs start but most fail with the following error:
>> Starting time already passed!
>> Restart program!
>> I don't understand this. Cron start a the start of
>> the minute and I am sure that it does not take 30sec
>> to start the prog? How can I setup the .tg files so
> > that the always start?
You might avoid tighness in the timing between the kickoff time from
cron and the coordination time ("on 0:30") for all of the tg's to
start. Something like cron kickoff at 0659 and tg "on 2:00" would
give you about 60 seconds to get all the tg's initialized and ready
to test at 0700. For manual tests, I often watched the clock and
waited to be sure the second hand was not near a round number.
Good hunting,
-- Mike