[sigcomm] Sigcomm input to Computing Curriculum 2001 update

Jim Kurose kurose at cs.umass.edu
Tue Apr 29 08:31:05 PDT 2008

Hi Folks,

I'm sending this email to the sigcomm mailing list in my role as the 
"education person" for Sigcomm (I have no idea how big this list is is, 
but I recall it's about 60 or so of the most hard-core sigcomm members :-))

The ACM Education Board (and the IEEE Computer Society’s
Education Activities Board) will shortly be publishing an initial draft 
update to the 2001 ACM Computing Curriculum recommendations (CC2001), 
and will be looking for commentary before finalizing the update. 
(There's a BIG new version being planned for the future (~2011?), but 
this update recognizes that "things have changed" since 2001, and so an 
update to CC2001 is needed now).

If you've never looked at CC2001, networking is represented in CC2001 
NET-CENTRIC COMPUTING. Take a look at the recommendations,
starting on page 108 (page 112 in pdf document). IMHO it was dated then, 
and the draft update is similarly dated. I also have the draft revision 
for net-centric computing.

I'd like to spearhead a sigcomm-blessed response to the draft update so 
that the update eventually reflects a more modern and well-informed (and 
also principled) view of networking.   I'm hoping there is a group of 
people on this list who are interested in working on this via email 
discussion (and/or a conference call, if needed).  We'd need to do this 
fairly quickly (within the next month. It doesn't need to be a big 
thing, but I'd like to see us officially respond to the rather weak 
recommendations that were made in 2001 wrt networking curriculum.

If you're interested, send me an email and I'll put together a mailing 
list of interested people (if you want to just "lurk", that's OK). I'm 
assuming that we'd take the discussion off of this mailing list, and 
then post our proposed response and recommendation back to this list.

Hope to hear from you.

Jim Kurose

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