[sigcomm] sig/eurosig/asiasig?

mort mort at ieee.org
Tue Mar 21 01:00:40 PST 2006

it might also be interesting to ask the SIGOPS community for their
experiences opening up the systems community in Europe
(http://www.eurosys.org/).  (although perhaps waiting until after the
first EuroSys conf might be better than asking before :)



On 20/03/06, Nick Feamster <feamster at cc.gatech.edu> wrote:
> At the risk of opening a can of worms, I will break the silence on this list:
> What do folks think about the conference model of Crypto/Asiacrypt/Eurocrypt
> that cryptographers have?
> More conferences==more accepted papers + more accessibility for folks in other
> countries + not being out-of-luck if you can't make (or submit to) the
> singular event of the year.  The model also presents the option of traveling
> overseas (or not), it might ameliorate scheduling conundrums (see below), and
> it offers the opportunity for different Sigcomm conferences to develop slightly
> different value structures, accommodating varied interests (e.g., one of these
> might try to form closer ties with industry/practice).
> One apparent downside I could see to this model is that the community might
> not all convene in one place and might become more fragmented.  We could look
> to the crypto community for some data.  My hypothesis is that such a model
> would not fragment the community any more than, say, holding a single Sigcomm
> in the first month of the fall term in Europe (discouraging potential U.S.
> participants) or mid-August in the U.S. (discouraging potential European
> participants).
> -Nick
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