[sigcomm] attendance policies for SIGCOMM-affiliated events

Larry Peterson llp at CS.Princeton.EDU
Sat Nov 5 13:54:21 PST 2005

I'm afraid I don't understand the "transient" argument. If a
small workshop with controlled attendance is good in years 1
thru 3, what changes in years 4 and 5... IMW is not a good
example since it went from workshop to conference due to a
maturing of the area. I don't see hotnets doing that since its
whole point is to foster a discussion about emerging ideas,
vision statements, and the such.


On Nov 5, 2005, at 4:23 PM, Christophe Diot wrote:

> i tend to strongly agree with this! and Larry's position sounded  
> completely fair to me as a transient situation.

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