[e2e] How many transmission attempts should be done on wireless networks?

Detlef Bosau detlef.bosau at web.de
Fri Sep 18 09:06:28 PDT 2009

O.k., so that's the case for small queues: small queuing latencies and 
endpoints, which back off intelligently.

But what's the reason for doing only a small number of retransmissions 
locally on a lossy channel?

One point, you mentioned, is that an application may want to pause and 
wait for better channel conditions (you talked about load conditions, 
but this is comparable).

Basically, my question is to which extent recovery on lossy links should 
be done locally and to which extent recovery should be left to the end 


Detlef Bosau		Galileistraße 30	70565 Stuttgart
phone: +49 711 5208031	mobile: +49 172 6819937	skype: detlef.bosau	
ICQ: 566129673		http://detlef.bosau@web.de			

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