[e2e] It's all my fault

David P. Reed dpreed at reed.com
Tue May 15 07:10:40 PDT 2007

Damien Miller wrote:
> On Mon, 14 May 2007, David P. Reed wrote:
> http://www.secdev.org/conf/IPv6_RH_security-csw07.pdf
> It is a simple consequence of the fact that you can stuff over 40 address
> pairs into a RH0, and each pair causes a round trip.
A round trip is a security hole?   Is every packet I send 1/80th of an 
attack?   If so, if I send 80 packets without RH0, then that is equally bad!

The issue here is that the network making a judgement about what packets 
should and should not be delivered as requested requires that the 
network be omniscient.   If it were, it might as well figure out which 
packets I will send, send them, and then I need not bother to write the 
code to send them in the first place!

Do time-sharing systems refuse to run code that implements sorting using 
a bubble sort?

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