[e2e] 0% NAT - checkmating the disconnectors

David P. Reed dpreed at reed.com
Wed Mar 8 04:56:12 PST 2006

Saikat Guha wrote:
> Is there a way to architect the Internet to give the network operator
> full control over his network? So, when his boss (who paid for the wires
> and routers) asks him to block application X, he can do just that and
> not cause the collateral damage that firewall-hacks cause today.
> Shameless plug: we believe signaling is one way to work _with_ the
> network, and not against it
> (http://saikat.guha.cc/pub/sosp05wip-guha.pdf). But, this is just one
> solution.
I'm amazed.   The network operator in this case wants to join the 
Internet, but not join the Internet.

The Internet is a fully interoperable network.   That means inherently 
that all operators that carry Internet traffic agree to carry their fair 

What you are describing is not the Internet, but something else.   The 
"cooperation-optional" network, perhaps?   Or maybe the "screw you" network?

If the network advertises that it routes packets to a destination, how 
is the source to know that its packets will be destroyed based on their 

At that point, it's time for those who agree to the original terms of 
the Internet social compact (which is far more than social) to 
blackball, boycott, and refuse to connect to that operator.  Screw him.

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