[sigcomm] PhD students positions at KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Carlo Fischione carlofi at kth.se
Sat Dec 21 08:23:46 PST 2013

Dear Colleagues,

there are PhD students positions available at Electrical Engineering Department, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden:


The salaries are among the highest in Europe and include full social benefits.

Best regards,
Carlo Fischione


Dr. Carlo Fischione

Associate Professor

Automatic Control Department

Electrical Engineering School

ACCESS Linnaeus Center

KTH Royal Institute of Technology

SE-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden

Phone: +46 736 322 561

E-Mail: carlofi at kth.se<mailto:carlofi at kth.se>

Web: www.ee.kth.se/~carlofi<http://www.ee.kth.se/~carlofi>

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