[sigcomm] CoNEXT'07 Student Workshop News: Deadline EXTENSION and ACM Digital Library

Sridharan, Ashwin [CTO] Ashwin.Sridharan at sprint.com
Thu Sep 27 21:46:38 PDT 2007

Due to several requests, we have EXTENDED the deadline for abstract registration and paper submission to the CoNEXT 2007 Student Workshop from September 28th 2007, to OCTOBER 1st 2007 (5pm EDT).

CoNEXT 2007 Student Workshop
Columbia University, New York, USA http://edas.info/W.php?page=21

* NEW * The best posters will be published in the ACM Digital

 The CoNEXT 2007 Student Workshop, following in the footsteps of the well received CoNEXT'06 Student Workshop, aims to provide a platform for graduate students in the areas of computer networks and data communication to publicize their ongoing research work through posters, obtain feedback and learn what problems are being tackled by fellow students. More importantly, it also provides a  venue for them to "network" with their peers and established network researchers, obtain valuable guidance tips in the form of informative panels and participate in a forum designed specifically to benefit graduate students.  We invite submission of 1-2 page abstracts from graduate students worldwide  describing their ongoing research work for  potential presentation at the CoNEXT 2007 Student Workshop. As always, research work that addresses  "non-standard/controversial" problems and approaches are particularly encouraged (even if they are only in a nascent stage).

 Selected abstracts will appear in the CoNEXT 2007 proceedings and the related posters displayed in the workshop program. A few selected "top posters" will be recommended for publication in the ACM Digital Library.

IMPORTANT : Several student travel grants, courtesy of NSF, Cisco and Thomson,  will be provided to selected candidates to attend the CoNEXT 2007 Student Workshop and main conference in New York.

Important Dates :
Submission    :  October 1st, 2007 (5:00 pm EST)  (NOTE: THIS IS THE FINAL  AND HARD DEADLINE)
Notification  :  October 19th, 2007
Final Version :  October 26nd, 2007

Workshop Chairs
Suman Banerjee, Roger Karrer, Ashwin Sridharan

E-Mail: conext at lists.net.t-labs.tu-berlin.de

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