[sigcomm] sig/eurosig/asiasig?

nahum@watson.ibm.com nahum at watson.ibm.com
Wed Mar 22 13:33:06 PST 2006

On Wed, Mar 22, 2006 at 04:03:17PM -0500, Nick Feamster wrote:

> If folks have friends in the crypto community, perhaps we could do some
> informal data gathering (how well does this work, etc.)?  I'm happy to do a
> little bit of research, too (assuming some folks think this is a good idea),
> but other data points would be useful.  It could be a topic of discussion at
> the Sigcomm business meeting, at any rate (again, presuming the idea is not
> jettisoned before then).

My wife is in the crypto community.  Based on my recollections of what
she's said, originally Eurocrypt was not seen as a peer conference to
Crypto, but it is now.  Asiacrypt has not yet reached that level, but
has improved significantly recently that it is seen as a reasonable
conference.  So I think the lesson is that it takes time, effort,
and commitment to get these new conferences to a level where they are
seen as equivalent to the original.

As for Eurosys, if you look at the program, many if not most of the
authors are from the US, so it's not clear to me how successful it
is for what it's trying to do.  But it is only the first year.

Erich M. Nahum                  IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
Research Staff Member           P.O. Box 704
nahum at watson.ibm.com            Yorktown Heights NY 10598

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