Hi everyone, I'm currently learning p2p essentials(routing overlay, application layer multicast schemes, etc.) and choose narada as my first studying material. Now, I have a question about the refresh message mentioned in the paper "A Case for End System Multicast" ------ what is the content of the message? only the sequence number or the list of entry that represent the group membership or both ?<br>
<br>Several places in the paper metioning the notion "refresh message" which I'm confused of are:<br>1) paragraph two of section III-A : "To handle this, we require that each member periodically generate a <b>refresh message</b> with monotonically increasing sequence number,<br>
which is disseminated along the mesh." ------ I think it refer to a message containing only sequence number here<br>2) figure 3. and its description: "Actions taken by a member i on receiving a refresh message from member j." ------ I think it refer to a message containing a list representing the group member ship here.<br>
Seems contradictory in these places, so what does "refresh message" really mean?<br><br>by the way, does any one have an implementation of narada?<br>