Hi All,<br><br>I am working on a project which consist of developing an end-to-end quality of service for real-time applications. The novelty of the project is to develop an instantaneous model of flow for real-time applications or for streaming video. <br>
I would like to known if no one have never try to develop a model of flow for real-time applications that can server as a basis for my project. <br>Also as PhD degree, this is suppose to be my contribution, therefore if the work have already been done I will appreciate if you can provide me the necessary informations otherwise I will be wasting my time.<br>
<br>Regards<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>----------------------------------------------------------<br>G.-A. Lusilao-Zodi voice : 0216554019<br>PhD in Video streaming cell :082687993 <br>
Communication group <a href="mailto:guylzodi@gmail.com">guylzodi@gmail.com</a> <br>university of cape-Town<br>-----------------------------------------------------------<br>